How do I send my first WhatsApp message via tyntec?
First, you will need to have message templates approved by WhatsApp in place in order to send your first message.
Assuming you have already at least one message template approved, check the following tutorials to learn the specifics of getting started with WhatsApp Business successfully.
ℹ️ If you haven’t yet submitted any message templates, this is how you can do it.
Tutorial #1: Message matters
Learn how to initiate a business conversation in three key stages: Sending a WhatsApp Message Template; receiving a message sent to the WhatsApp Business Account; and responding to a customer-initiated conversation by sending a free-form text message.
Tutorial #2: Go both ways
Master how to build an app that enables the business to handle a two-way WhatsApp Business interaction with a customer — from collecting opt-ins and initiating a conversation using a message template through to receiving a response and following up with a free-form message.
Tutorial #3: Hooked up
Read up on how to set up a server and create a simple webhook app that allows the business to quickly receive customer messages that are sent to its WhatsApp Business phone number.
ℹ️ View tyntec’s full range of dev-friendly tutorials, guides and assets here.