Channel | WhatsApp Business

With more than 2 billion people using WhatsApp around the world to send 60 billion messages every day, the chat app has revolutionized the way we communicate. With an enterprise-grade API, companies can now send notifications and provide customer service through WhatsApp in a secure, reliable, and customer-friendly way.

Message Template Manager

When a business wants to start a conversation with a customer, you will need to use a Message Template. In this guide you will learn how to create new and manage existing Message Templates in your tyntec. Alternatively, you can submit new Message Templates also via our self-service API.

1. Login to your tyntec

Go to to login to your tyntec. Navigate to WhatsApp via the navigation and open the tab for Message Templates. Here you also find an overview of all Message Templates you created. Note that you can only add Message Templates after your WhatsApp Business Profile is already setup and running.

2. Create a new Message Template

Click the button ‘New Message Template’ on the top right of the screen.


At first, choose a category for your Message Template. Then select the business for which you want to create a new Message Template and give your Message Template a unique name. Then click ‘Continue’ in the bottom right corner.

Pro Tip: name your Message Templates with lowercase letters. Also, add a running number at the end, e.g. _001. That way it’s easier later on to find your Message Template again.


3. Choose a language

Each Message Template can have multiple languages. You need to select at least one language.


4. Specify your Message Template

You can now start adding the specifics for your Message Template. A preview on the right gives you an impression of how the Message Template will look like once it is sent.


The header of your Message Template is optional. It can be either a text, a media type (image/video/document), or location. Message Templates generally allow dynamic content for the header. This means, all you have to do at this point is to declare the type of dynamic content you intend to send. This allows you to define the content at a later stage when sending a template message. There is no need to upload an image / video / file / location when creating the Message Template, as these should be uploaded on your server. WhatsApp will only review the text in your Message Template.

Text: max. 60 characters
Image: see API Reference
Video: see API Reference
Location: see API Reference
Document: see API Reference


Add the main text for your Message Template. Learn more about formatting and the use of variables in your Message Template.


The footer text field is typically used for adding legal disclaimers, signatures or anything that should accompany the main message. This field is optional.

Interactive Buttons

Interactive Buttons are a great way to give users a direct way to react to your message. You can choose to select ‘Quick Reply’ or ‘Call to Action’.

Quick Replies
Quick Replies are typically used if you wish to give your users the choice between 1–3 possible answers. The user then simply needs to tap one of the quick replies to answer to your message.

Call to Actions
A Call to Action can be either an URL or phone number. For example, a direct link to your website / app, or the phone number to call your business. URLs can be either static or have a dynamic parameter at the end of the URL. Dynamic URLs can have one variable at the end of the URL, e.g.{{1}}


5. Submit your Message Template

After submitting your Message Template it will be reviewed by WhatsApp. All Message Templates needs to comply with WhatsApp’s Business Policy and WhatsApp’s Commerce Policy. This approval usually takes between 6–24 hours. After your Message Template has been approved, it will show up in your Message Template Overview with a green dot next to the language that has been approved.

Note: WhatsApp currently does not allow editing of Message Templates after they have been submitted.

ℹ️ Sending media samples for your media message template approval

Using the tyntec dashboard: you have to declare what type of media you send in the header. Then, send an email to to provide the media sample. 

6. Add a new language to existing Message Templates

You can add another language by searching for the Message Template in your Message Template Overview. Then select ‘Add language’ and you will be able to view the Message Template and add more languages. After submitting your new language, you will see in your Message Template Overview an orange dot next to the language that is currently under review by WhatsApp.

7. Manage / edit Message Templates

You can always view your already approved and pending Message Templates via your Message Template overview. Note that once submitted Message Templates cannot be edited, as they go through an approval process by WhatsApp. If you want to change an already approved or rejected Message Templates, the only way is to create a new Message Template.