Channel | WhatsApp Business

With more than 2 billion people using WhatsApp around the world to send 60 billion messages every day, the chat app has revolutionized the way we communicate. With an enterprise-grade API, companies can now send notifications and provide customer service through WhatsApp in a secure, reliable, and customer-friendly way.

WhatsApp Business API | Integration with HubSpot via Zapier

Hi there!

Would you like to improve your HubSpot communication capabilities? Look no further – our custom Zaps are here to help you quickly enable two-way messaging through Contact Notes.

In this tutorial, you will learn to use Zapier tyntec Conversations to save incoming WhatsApp messages to your HubSpot notes. Also, your integration will send replies through notes with a specific prefix.

You will need


    • Your WhatsApp Business Account Number that has been assigned to you by tyntec



    • A Zapier premium account that allows multi-step Zaps and Filtering by Zapier


    • Your HubSpot account with a testing contact


    • Your testing phone with WhatsApp installed


Step one: Save Incoming WhatsApp messages as HubSpot notes

1. Click on our sharing link.

2. After clicking on Try this Zap, the Zap designer page opens. Connect your tyntec account to get started. Click Continue and test your trigger.

Connect your tyntec account or choose one of the connected accounts

3. Click on the Find Contact in HubSpot action. Connect your HubSpot account. Click Continue.

Connect HubSpot to find the sender

Scroll through the Set Up action and click Continue. Then click on Skip Test.

Scroll through the settings and finish the find contact action

4. Click on the Create Engagement in HubSpot. Connect the same HubSpot account as you did in the 3rd step. Click on Continue. If you want, you can change the text of your note in the Note Body field.

Set your prefix for notes

When you finish, click on Continue. Test the step if you want or click on Skip Test

Then go through rest of the action and test if everything is connected correctly

5. Turn on your Zap.

And finish with turning on your Zap

Step Two: Send a WhatsApp message for new HubSpot notes

1. Click on our sharing link.

2. After clicking on Try this Zap, the Zap designer page opens. Connect your HubSpot account to get started. Click Continue. Set the Trigger to Note. Then click Continue.

3. In the Only continue if… step,  set the condition Metadata body to the note. If you want, adjust the OUT- to any specific phrase of your choice (check phrase). When you finish, click on Continue. click on Continue.

Set your condition to filter unwanted messages

4. In the Text step, adjust the Find field to match your check phrase. To remove it from the WhatsApp message, leave the replace field blank. Then click on Close.

Use the filter to remove prefixes from your messages

5.Click on Find Contact in HubSpot and connect your HubSpot account. Click on Continue and test the action.

Continue with setting up the Find action and test it.

6. Click on the Send WhatsApp message step. Connect your tyntec account. Click on Continue.

Connect your tyntec

7. In Set up action, set your WABA number. The To automatically updates with the contact phone number and the Text field updates with data from the Text step. Click on Continue.

Set your WABA number

8. After running all tests, turn on your Zap.

Turn on your second Zap

Step Three: Test your integration

Now you are on to the fun part – testing!

1. Grab your phone and send yourself a WhatsApp message.

Send yourself a testing message

In a second, you will see a new note in your HubSpot!

And new note appears in HubSpot!

2. Let’s respond! Create a new note and start it with your phrase (-OUT).

Create new note with your prefix.

As soon as you press Save note, tyntec will send your message. Look into your phone and see your response. Cool, right?


There are many more ways to automate your work with Hubspot and tyntec Conversations.  You can, for example, send a WhatsApp invitation to a new HubSpot meeting. Moreover, if you are using HubSpot-supported video conferencing software, you can also send the join URL.

Try out custom meeting invites!

With the New Product trigger, you can automatically let your WhatsApp contacts know what is in the store for them.