Channel | WhatsApp Business

With more than 2 billion people using WhatsApp around the world to send 60 billion messages every day, the chat app has revolutionized the way we communicate. With an enterprise-grade API, companies can now send notifications and provide customer service through WhatsApp in a secure, reliable, and customer-friendly way.


Digital, often animated emoji stickers offer far more nuanced, varied, and personal expression forms than generic emoji sets. People often turn to visual short-hands such as emojis and animated GIFs to convey emotions and reactions instantly.  

WhatsApp stickers are digital elements that give your customer conversation a more branded look.

There are a few formatting requirements to follow with stickers:

  • WEBP files only
  • Cannot exceed 100KB
  • Size must be 512x512px
  • There must be a 16px margin around the sticker
  • A transparent background is required. 

 WhatsApp does not support animated stickers.

ℹ️ Stickers can only be sent as session messages. It’s not possible to send stickers as a media message template.

How to send a sticker

curl –XPOST\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'apikey: <API KEY>' \
  -d '{
    "from" : "{{whatsAppBusinessNumber}}",
    "to" : "{{receiverPhoneNumber}}",
    "channel" : "whatsapp",
    "content" : {
        "contentType" : "sticker",
        "sticker" : {
            "url": ""