Channel | WhatsApp Business

With more than 2 billion people using WhatsApp around the world to send 60 billion messages every day, the chat app has revolutionized the way we communicate. With an enterprise-grade API, companies can now send notifications and provide customer service through WhatsApp in a secure, reliable, and customer-friendly way.


Learn the specifics of how to send messages with an audio file on WhatsApp.

Easily send audio messages to customers in session messages. The following audio types are supported:

  • Audio/AAC
  • Audio/AMR
  • Audio/MP4
  • Audio/MPEG
  • Audio/OGG; codecs=opus

Note that the base Audio/OGG type is not supported.

Audio file sizes can be up to 16MB.

ℹ️ Audio files are not supported as a message template.


How to send an audio file

curl –XPOST\
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'apikey: <API KEY>' \
  -d '{
    "from" : "{{whatsAppBusinessNumber}}",
    "to" : "{{receiverPhoneNumber}}",
    "channel" : "whatsapp",
    "content" : {
        "contentType" : "audio",
        "audio" : {
            "url": ""