FAQ | Viber Business

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What Industries Are Banned From Using Viber Business Messages?


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What industries are banned from using Viber Business Messages?

Viber blocks certain industries from obtaining its Business Messages service. In case a company belongs to the list of banned industries, the Business Messages operations team will reject the application:

  • Political parties or organizations with a political nature
  • Gambling and Trade – online and offline casino businesses, sports betting,
  • bidding, lottery, bitcoin, binary options, and forex companies.
  • Credit/loan services unless offered directly by banks
  • Pawnshops or related services
  • Content with sexual nature and any other adult content
  • Tobacco-related services
  • Alcohol-related services
  • Businesses that are involved in the weapons and drug trade
  • Open portals/blogs that have no control over the published content,
  • for example
  • Internet websites that allow its users to create content and share it
  • Religious services, including churches, temples, mosques, etc.
  • Online spiritual services such as tarot cards readings, astrological mapping, etc.
  • Companies that are considered to be Viber’s competitors, as decided by Viber, in its sole discretion. 

In case your company belongs to any of these industries, your application will be automatically rejected by Viber.