Channel | Viber Business

Personalize conversations with Viber users throughout the customer journey, from product discovery to customer care. Relevant especially in CIS, CEE, Southeast Asia, Middle East and MENA regions, you can generate leads and increase conversions with one of the top chat apps worldwide

Send your first message

After your business has been approved, your Viber Business Profile is set up, and you can start exchanging messages.

🎁 You’ve got 1,500 complimentary messages on your live Viber Business Profile to test!

To unlock the value of your live Viber Business Profile, you will need 3 prerequisites:

  • Collect opt-ins via your communication channels if you’re planning to initiate conversations.
  • Learn how to send and receive messages on Viber. 
  • Integrate Viber on your existing platform(s) or use the Conversations Inbox.

Collect opt-ins

The recipient of messages must provide consent (opt-in) before a business sends any messages. Companies must retain the proof of receipt of such consent. Users also need to be able to block the service from sending messages at any stage. Businesses can collect opt-ins by promoting Viber on their usual communication channels, incl. Website, email, SMS, and more.

ℹ️ Check more information about Viber Opt-In policy here.

Sending and receiving messages on Viber

You have set up your Viber Business service with tyntec — congrats! 🎉🎉

You can now implement sending and receiving Viber messages in your app.

When you send the first message to a user, a new chat will open on the user’s main chats screen. Unlike regular user chats, the business chat will display Viber’s verified icon next to its name. This will allow users to quickly identify and understand that this is a verified business account within their regular chat screen.


Once a business chat exists in the user’s chats screen, they will find it like any other chat using the search box.

Integrating Viber

With tyntec, you can integrate Viber Business Messages in two ways: