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Top 5 tips for maximizing your messaging’s potential this Black Friday and Cyber Monday

By Sophia Binder, Content Manager

5 minute read

Here’s how to make the most of your mobile messaging channels so you can enjoy better sales on both days while boosting customer engagement and loyalty rates for the future.

These are tight times for consumers and their wallets. You’re probably wondering then how you can best benefit from that double whammy of great sales opportunities coming up: Black Friday on November 26 and Cyber Monday on November 29.

The good news? Despite this current tumultuous period, 76% of US consumers alone plan to shop on Black Friday and Cyber Monday (BFCM) in 2022 and spend a predicted $158bn, says Future Publishing. One big clue for how to tap into such huge potential is already in your back pocket—your mobile. Shopify research shows that mobile transactions account for 71% of all BFCM sales.

This explains why savvy brands are increasingly turning to mobile messaging to nurture customer engagement and drive up sales. From the evergreen SMS to rich media marvels WhatsApp, Viber, and Instagram, connected brands are using messaging to forge ever deeper relationships with existing customers—and win over new ones too.

And it’s an opportunity that’s there for the taking, reports Facebook, as 75% of adults say they want to communicate with businesses via messaging just like they do with friends and family.

People want to communicate using messaging apps 

Making mobile messaging work for your brand

To score big, here are our top five quick-fire tips for capitalizing on mobile messaging so you have a very happy Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Tip #1: Be “chatty” when interacting with customers

No, not by acting like that person at a party who just… won’t… stop talking at you. We mean having live, meaningful conversations with your customers online when they choose to reach out to you. Mobile messaging allows you to have two-way chats with your customers, answering their questions and guiding their purchases right in the palm of their hand, all in real time.

By having these conversations, you’re not only more likely to land a sale but just as importantly, boost loyalty (see Tip 5). Best of all, customers want to talk to you via chat. 72% of customers are more likely to purchase if they can chat with you about your products via real-time chat messaging.

Conversational commerce Whatsapp tip 1 

Tip #2: Be more personal, connect more deeply (in a non-creepy way)

Partner up with the right messaging solution provider and you can integrate your messaging channels with your CRM. This lets you create personalized BFCM offers, tailor customer service, and enable two-way conversations based on the individual customer’s past purchases and interactions with younot generalized scripts or hunches.

Crucially, any new information gleaned from a messaging-based conversation can be automatically fed back into your CRM to be used in future targeted campaigns. Bear in mind that personalized experiences are now a customer expectation, not a want. For instance, 80% of self-professed frequent shoppers will only shop with brands that offer personalized experiences, according to SmarterHQ.

Conversational commerce Whatsapp tip 2 

Tip #3: Be a “show off” (modestly) to make consumers take notice

To start conversations, you need to tap into the full potential of each of your messaging channels. Yes, SMS is great for delivering “bottom line” offers that have the potential to grab consumer attentions immediately. But social apps take things to the next level.

For instance, send an image-rich PDF showing off buying options via WhatsApp to trigger a potential conversation with an opted-in customer; create image carousels in Instagram to drum up interest in your unique BFCM offerings; or offer exclusive emoji sticker sets that customers can use in Viber, in turn potentially spreading your branded stickers to their contacts.

Conversational commerce Whatsapp tip 3  

Tip #4: Be smart with your people management by rolling out clever bots

Creating experiences with customers via messaging sounds great. However, you’re probably picturing having to pay for a warehouse packed with sales agents to pull it off. That’s where the latest chatbot tech steps in to take away the strain.

With the right coding, bots can answer FAQs, check stock levels for customers, set up a return—even hand over to a sales agent if a human touch is required—all within your preferred messaging channels. That means you can provide a consistent conversation-driven experience, no matter the touchpoint. Best of all? You don’t need to hire expensive development geeks to create that bot. Instead, the right provider can quickly rollout a tailored bot using a quality off-the-shelf solution.

Conversational commerce whatsapp tip 4 

Tip #5: Be a “long-termer” by boosting customer loyalty

Remember, you want customers to stay with you beyond Black Friday, and while we’ve already highlighted how messaging drives up loyalty rates, you can go further still. Once BFCM is over, use your messaging channels to reward both new and long-term customers with bespoke special offers, one-off discounts, minimum spend rewards, and more.

For example, offer them a digital discount coupon at the end of, say, a WhatsApp-completed BFCM sale that’ll be right there on their phone the next time they are considering a purchase. Also consider offering an in-app link to a quick survey to source feedback. These customer insights not only help refine your services further—but also provide potential quotes to promote across all your channels.

Conversational commerce whatsapp tip 5 

Bonus tip: How to become a mobile messaging maestro (almost) overnight

There’s only one downside to mobile messaging: Wrangling all those channels and conversations can feel like herding cats—especially during BFCM. In fact, get it wrong and 67% of customers say they’ll switch brands after a negative experience, according to Oracle.

It’s why brands are increasingly turning to omnichannel solution providers such as tyntec to help manage their mobile messaging. For instance, our Conversations Inbox lets you bring all your messaging channels together into one place. In turn, this enables your sales and customer service teams to manage, reply, and follow-up on all messaging-based conversations in an instant—and automatically feed any customer insights right back into your CRM.

It doesn’t stop there. Conversations Inbox also allows you to deep dive into customer datasets post-BFCM and uncover wins and losses to enable you to adapt your sales strategy moving forward. Ultimately, managing your mobile messaging successfully means you’re not only putting yourself in pole position for a great Black Friday and Cyber Monday—but for every day of the year, too.


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